Multi-Tool MBSE – Successful digital collaboration demands thinking beyond a single MBSE tool and SysML only
Due to an ever increasing complexity of modern systems, driven by increasing interconnectivity, x-domain and cross-organizational development in global teams, the ancient document-centric systems engineering approach leads to increased development effort and time. Reducing this effort and time demands a shift into a x-functional digital collaboration approach, which shall enable the lifecycle engineering beyond a single engineering discipline.
From a method perspective a multi-domain information model enables a seamless connection of the already well established domain specific languages. Further, beyond SysML, a domain specific language for systems engineering is required on top to enable the collaboration between the different domains. The major aspects of this domain specific language for systems engineering are the concept of self-similarity and a clear distinction between the required and guaranteed aspects to be modeled.
From a cultural and technology perspective the required change demands to overcome the historically grown non-collaborative team culture within large organizations as well as the still limited connection capability of the different domain specific tools.

Ralf Hocke is a certified system architect and drives as senior change manager the method and culture change for digital Lifecycle Engineering at Siemens Healthineers.
His technical background is radio frequency and telecommunication engineering with a deep knowledge of systems engineering in general as well as model-based systems engineering in particular.
Ralf worked in different roles, lastly as program manager to drive the introduction of the Baukasten method exemplarily on the computer Baukasten in Siemens Healthineers.

Stefan Setzer is a certified system architect and drives the change from a classical engineering process to a model-based process.
His technical and educational background is electrical engineering and accelerator physics and he worked in different roles in development and innovation departments.