Organic Systems of Systems (OSoS): State of the Art Modeling and Beyond
Today's systems are getting bigger and more and more complex. Some of the most complex systems are ecosystems composed of humans as well as technical sub-systems developed by many organizations. They often have a life expectancy of multiple decades and are operated and maintained by yet another set of organizations. I call this kind of systems "Organic Systems of Systems (OSoS)". The design, operation and permanent evolution of an OSoS requires collaboration among multiple engineering disciplines over a long period of time.
In this presentation I will identify a set of engineering challenges required to design, analyse and evolve an OSoS. Illustrated on an OSoS from the railways domain, I will briefly address the suitability of SysML including its forthcoming version 2 for this purpose.

Markus Schacher is co-founder of KnowGravity Inc., a small but smart consulting company based in Zurich, Switzerland and specialized in model-based engineering. As a trainer, Markus ran the first public courses on UML in Switzerland back in early 1997 and as a consultant he helped many large projects introducing and applying model-based techniques. As an active member of the Object Management Group (OMG), Markus is involved in the development of various modelling languages and is co-author of three books on business rules, SysML, and operational risk as well as a frequent presenter in international conferences.