SE Cocktails - Shaken, not Stirred
Engineers prefer it shaken wildly instead of calmly stirred! Across industries, problems of all kinds must be tackled, and engineers set out to solve them with a toolbox full of methods and approaches. From the point of view of established companies, attempts are made to adapt or improve the existing portfolio, or startups are founded to advance innovations and technologies and create something better for humanity. All projects are shaken up regardless of sector and industry. Based on a contribution from the INCOSE Symposium 2019 "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" on decisions and confidence levels among SE, a new survey was conducted in 2024 via LinkedIn®. The confidence level of having given an answer correctly is more scattered. This is placed in the context of experiences from projects from the feasibility phase, startups, new business models. The value of early integration of disciplines, and the ability to integrate products, services and systems right first time. The influence of loss-driven systems engineering and enablers such as RAM engineering will be elaborated and the must have capability of engineers. Building the bridge from the tried and tested to the future of development - stirred and not shaken.

Sven-Olaf Schulze (CSEP & Certified Systems Engineer (GfSE) ® Level A) is Managing Director of LEIxCON, an engineering consulting company with a focus on Systems Engineering and Integrated Product Support (IPS/ILS/RAMS) to improve the approaches with customers across industries.
Sven-Olaf Schulze received his diploma from the TU Braunschweig in aerospace engineering. He started his career on projects Ariane 4 & 5, ISS, MIR, Airbus A380 and A400M, and Fuel Cell using MBSE in 2008. He built up the Systems Engineering division in a wind power company. From 2010 onwards he worked as a consultant for 10 years primarily in the areas of SE, program, project and agile management, especially in the areas of product development and innovation.
From 2007 to 2012 he was a lecturer at the HAW University in Hamburg. For 5 years he was appointed to the committee of the UEEIV (Union of European Railway Engineer Associations) in the field of certification. He is the author of systems engineering articles, papers and co-author of books.
He serves as volunteer in the GfSE e.V, and INCOSE since 2001 and is currently INCOSE Board member (EMEA Sector Director).