Stream 3 15:00 – 15:20

Robert Hellebrand

MBSE & PLE: Systematic Reuse in Engineering

With SysML V2, variability concepts like variation points, variants, variant binding and variability expressions become part of the standard.
This allows to explicitly express variability in SysML models.
But variability does not end on architecture level, it affects requirements, test cases, simulation models, code, parameter sets and other engineering assets, too.

In this presentation, we provide an overview on Product Line Engineering (PLE) according to the ISO 26580 standard, a mature approach that is focused on the holistic reuse of system and software engineering assets.

Disclaimer: As a pioneer in this area, with more than 20 years of experience, pure-systems provides the leading PLE solution pure::variants along with Connectors for various engineering tools, including the top five ALM and MBSE solutions.

Robert Hellebrand
Robert Hellebrand pure-systems GmbH

Since 2014, Robert Hellebrand advocates feature-based Product Line Engineering as a company-wide approach to increase efficiency in system and software engineering. At pure-systems he has the role of Principal Field Application Engineer and is leading the Field Application Engineering Team that introduces customers and partners around the globe to Product Line Engineering with pure::variants and supports them with their methodological and tool-based experience.
He holds a Diploma in Industrial Engineering from the Technical University of Kaiserslautern (RPTU).