Model-based Cyber Security Management
Cybersecurity engineering is a critical discipline that ensures safe and secure human experiences while using cyber physical systems. The main challenge is to preserve trust for connected cyber systems in an evolving digital economy increasingly threatened by unpredictable events.
In this presentation you will have an overview of cyber security methodologies, such as TARA (Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment). Moreover, how does RAAML(Risk Analysis and Assessment Modeling Language) facilitate seamless cyber security implementation within MBSE environments.

Yueying Hu is an Industry Process Specialist in the CATIA Magic Cyber Systems team, based in Stuttgart, Germany. She holds a master's degree in aerospace engineering from the University of Stuttgart. With this solid engineering background, she developed her expertise in SysML and MBSE methodologies, and now consults customers on best practices in systems modelling in diverse contexts and guides them through the MBSE adoption journey. Recently she also begun to specialize in safety and cyber security management within MBSE projects.