Stream 1 10:00 – 10:20

Oliver Fels

Sustainability as a product - applying system engineering principles to kickstart corporate sustainability

We all know we have to do something to become more sustainable to fight global challenges, like climate change, and others.
However this "something" seems to contradict economic principles- it implies redundancies, costs and more efforts and corporations are reluctant to start and elaborate what is the right way to do it.

If there was a way to look at sustainability as a product or system- we all know how to build these.
If there was a way to cleverly integrate sustainability in corporate processes and toolings to benefit from synergies and streamline communication.
If there was a way to easily and automatically create the required reporting.
If there was a way to establish transparency to the in and outside to improve my branding in the market

In fact, there is a way. Sustainability Engineering is the way to go. By looking at sustainability as a product or system to be delivered, we are enabled to apply all these wonderful system engineering techniques we already know from System Engineering- Stakeholder Requirements, System Requirements, Commitment, Verification.

This session will give you an introduction into the Sustainability Engineering methodology, basing on Systems Engineering. It bridges the world of Sustainabiltiy and enterprise value chains to seamlessly enable enterprises to support a better world.
The methodology for a brighter future.

Oliver Fels
Oliver Fels SE Training

Oliver Fels graduated in 1996 as an egineer in computer sciences and has since gained a broad experience in various fields in the product life cycles covering various roles at SAP, Siemens, Continental, Dornier and others. As a former team member of the Solar Impulse 2 project, a passion of his activities also lies in regenerative energies and improving sustainability around the globe. In 2023, Oliver founded Sustainability Impulse to kickstart sustainability impacts in the industry. He is also a profound trainer for requirements, leadership and more with SE Training, Switzerland.