Stream 1 10:30 – 10:50

Michael Bitzer, Chantal Sinnwell

Systems Thinking & Engineering in the context of battery industry as regulated environment

The battery industry is currently in the focus of industrial evolution. Multiple product and service systems are going to use battery technologies. At the same time battery industry operates in a regulated market environment. By this multiple dependencies and interfaces need to be addressed during concept, engineering, production and operation phase. This presentation is showing how Systems Thinking and Engineering can be applied in this context. Moreover, an industry example of Siemens is used as use case.

Michael Bitzer
Michael Bitzer Siemens

Dr.-Ing. Michael Bitzer is part of Siemens working in the field of Digital Enterprise & Academics. He is responsible to enable and apply Systems Engineering in the industrial environment.
Mr. Bitzer has 15+ years of experience in Digital Engineering and Digital Transformation in multiple industries and business-roles.

Chantal Sinnwell
Chantal Sinnwell Siemens Digital Software Industry

Dr.-Ing. Chantal Sinnwell is part of Siemens working in the field of Digital Enterprise & Academics. She is responsible for topics in the fields of Systems Engineering and Model-based Production Engineering in Industries, Academics and organizational Transformation.

Mrs. Sinnwell has 5 years of experience in research in Systems Engineering and Manufacturing Systems as well as 3+ years in MBSE consutling and implementation with Siemens Software tools.