Systems Thinking & Engineering - Transformation of Industrial Organizations with a System Perspective
In the context of manufacturing industries, Systems Engineering as an engineering methodology and approach helps companies to engineer their products and services with a holistic perspective across all phases of the lifecycle. This perspective often leads to new product-system architectures because of a more extensive understanding of design decisions impacts. To get such new methodologies of engineering effectively up and running, companies need to transform their organization – especially their engineering & development departments.
On its own Digital Transformation journey, across many areas and business units, Siemens continuously transforms its own organization and strengthens the business capabilities in Systems Engineering & Thinking. In this presentation, industrial experiences and insights are shared how an industrial manufacturer drives its transformation from education to R&D departments and across supporting functions of the entire organization with the help of a System Thinking perspective.
In particular, the “Systems Engineering Domain Concept” is introduced. It represents an approach to establish Systems Engineering as a network organization within an industrial organization, which supports the transformation across organizational boundaries and silos. Finally, as part of the necessary people involvement & enablement, a training and education is presented, combined. with insights of impacts and challenges throughout the transformation.

Dr.-Ing. Chantal Sinnwell is part of Siemens working in the field of Digital Enterprise & Academics. She is the domain lead for topics in the fields of Systems Engineering and Model-based Production Engineering in Industries, Academics and organizational Transformation.
Mrs. Sinnwell has 5 years of experience in research in Systems Engineering and Manufacturing Systems as well as 4+ years in MBSE consulting and implementation with Siemens Software tools.

Dr.-Ing. Michael Bitzer is Head of Science, Academics and Transfer and Systems Engineering Expert at Siemens Digital Industries Software.
Mr. Bitzer has 20+ years of experience in Digital Engineering and Digital Transformation in multiple industries and business-roles.